Financial Planning for Founders & Tech Workers

You are a high-value person, and function at a super-high level.  You need to get your finances handled at an equally high level.  It is time to hire professionals who are experts at this, just as you are an expert in your field.  If you’re up for a challenge, are an action-taker, and are ready for some more hard work – then you’re in the right place. 

Pricing - Financial Planning Packages

Choose the plan that best fits your needs. Each package includes up to four 90-minute meetings where we'll cover each of the points below, giving special attention to your top priorities. If youā€™re looking only for some quick tips - then weā€™re not a good fit. This will take effort on your part. Weā€™re going to push you to challenge your attitudes toward money in general, spending and saving specifically, so that you can make good choices today which will produce epic results in the future.




Personal Cash Flow Planning

Emergency Fund

Debt and Student Loan Payoff

Credit Report and Credit Score Review

Personal Insurance Assessment

Investment Risk Assessment and Rebalancing Recommendations

Wealth –building Individual Retirement Accounts—Roth vs. Traditional

Higher Education Planning

Business Organization: Proprietor vs. LLC vs. Sub S Corporation

Retirement Plans for Small Businesses: SEP IRA, SIMPLE IRA, and 401K plans

Financial Plan Creation

6-month Follow Up Meeting

Get Started by Scheduling a Call




Personal Cash Flow Planning

Emergency Fund

Debt and Student Loan Payoff

Credit Report and Credit Score Review

Personal Insurance Assessment

Investment Risk Assessment and Rebalancing Recommendations

Wealth –building Individual Retirement Accounts—Roth vs. Traditional

Higher Education Planning

Business Organization: Proprietor vs. LLC vs. Sub S Corporation

Retirement Plans for Small Businesses: SEP IRA, SIMPLE IRA, and 401K plans

Tax Scenarios for Sole Proprietor, LLC, and S Corporation

Further Tax Scenarios with Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plan

Crypto Assets

Financial Plan Creation

6-month Follow Up Meeting

Get Started by Scheduling a Call

Schedule a complimentary 30-minute Zoom session

The purpose is to see if youā€™re a good fit to work with us, and if weā€™re a good fit to work with you. We have strict criteria for onboarding new clients. We work with each person individually and personally ā€“ none of our work is outsourced. We want to see that youā€™re committed to the process and willing to invest not only the money but also your time, effort, and thought into producing some transformative financial results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our goal is to make our time together as valuable as possible.  By receiving some basic information up front we'll have a running start to focus our conversation on what matters most to you. Please note that any information you provide us is strictly confidential. 

For all financial planning engagements minimums do not apply. This is a purely advice based engagement. If you decide after completing your financial plan to invest your money with us, the minimum investment requirement is $100,000.

Yes!  We love using Zoom for web conference meetings.  Please let us know whether you prefer a virtual or in-person meeting when scheduling your appointment.

Yes!  As CFP Board certified financial planner professionals we are fiduciaries.  This means we follow the best interest standard of client care - first, foremost, and always. 

Yes we do!  Financial planning and investment management are two separate services.  We offer financial planning à la carte, in comprehensive financial planning packages, or by annual subscription.  Separately, we offer investment management services (not products!).

Absolutely!  Information you provide us is strictly confidential. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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