What is an IRA? financial planning for attorneys financial planning for entrepreneurs financial planning for young professionals Apr 21, 2020

by Jonathan G. Cameron, CFP®

Here is something we hear on occasion at CameronDowning: “I’m not sure an IRA is for me. I hear it may be too risky.” The problem with this statement is that an IRA, or Individual Retirement Account, is not an investment. So what is an IRA?


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Your Emergency Fund financial planning for attorneys financial planning for entrepreneurs financial planning for young professionals Apr 20, 2020

by Jonathan G. Cameron, CFP®

Your emergency fund is foundational to any financial planning. Here I discuss what it is (and what it is not), why you need to have one, and how much should be in it. 

At the Margin 

An economics professor once said that if you fall asleep in class and...

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Insurance Frequently Asked Questions financial planning for entrepreneurs financial planning for retirement financial planning for young professionals mid-life financial planning Apr 19, 2020

Glenn J. Downing, MBA, CFP®

What kinds of insurance do you offer?

We broker life insurance, disability income insurance, and long-term care insurance. In obtaining Insurance coverage for our clients, We shop the market for the most suitable product at the best price.

Can I get auto or...

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Why Should I Pay a Fee for Financial Advice? financial planning for attorneys financial planning for entrepreneurs financial planning for retirement financial planning for young professionals Apr 18, 2020

by Glenn J. Downing, MBA, CFP®

From time to time I’m asked, Glenn: there are plenty of financial guys out there. They’ll do financial planning for free. So why should I pay you guys?

Good question, and not unexpected in these days of free resources online.  To answer it, let...

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Financial Planning Frequently Asked Questions financial planning for attorneys financial planning for entrepreneurs financial planning for retirement financial planning for young professionals Apr 18, 2020

by Glenn J. Downing, MBA, CFP®

Why do financial planning?

Short answer: because no one can hit a moving target. The financial plan informs all financial decisions: how to invest, what to save and where, and what insurance should I purchase or drop.

What should I expect when I come in to see...

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Five Steps to Getting Financially Organized Before Retirement financial planning for retirement Apr 17, 2020

by Jonathan G. Cameron, CFP®

Getting financially organized before retirement can be a daunting task. There are many unknowns and it can be hard to know where to begin. For that same reason people often wait too long to address retirement needs and, unfortunately, don’t achieve...

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Healthcare Flexible Spending Account financial planning for attorneys financial planning for young professionals Apr 16, 2020

by Glenn J. Downing, MBA, CFP®

Do you have a Flexible Spending Account available to you through work?  These can offer tremendous tax savings.  As you do your research, note that FSAs are of two sorts:  The Healthcare FSA and the Dependent Care FSA.  


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A Fresh Perspective on the Budget financial planning for entrepreneurs financial planning for young professionals Apr 16, 2020

by Jonathan G. Cameron, CFP®

All financial planning begins with cash flow planning – your budget, in other words.  Sometimes people recoil from that word - budget.  To them the word is fraught with negative connotation:  I can't spend!  Not in my budget! ...

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The Advice Industry financial planning for attorneys financial planning for entrepreneurs financial planning for retirement financial planning for young professionals Apr 10, 2020

by Glenn J. Downing, MBA, CFP®

In this post I’d like to give a little history and background on the advice industry. It may not grab you right off as being the most compelling reading, but please stick with it. I have some valuable points to develop.  In Part II I go into some of...

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2 Things You Need to Know About the Roth IRA financial planning for attorneys financial planning for entrepreneurs financial planning for young professionals Apr 10, 2020

by Jonathan G. Cameron, CFP®

One of the most popular ways to save for retirement is in a Roth Individual Retirement Account.  Roth IRAs was first made available in 1997, after they were championed by former Senator William V. Roth of Delaware.

What is a Roth IRA?

Tax-wise, a Roth IRA is...

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Have Your Cake and Eat it Too: Income Opportunities in Charitable Giving financial planning for attorneys financial planning for retirement Apr 09, 2020

by Glenn J. Downing, MBA, CFP®

The IRS tax code sets forth rules and regulations under which US taxpayers remit monies to the federal government. Our taxes, along with borrowing, supply the US government with its operating funds. The tax code also encourages certain behaviors, and discourages...

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Financial Planning for Millennials financial planning for attorneys financial planning for entrepreneurs financial planning for young professionals Apr 09, 2020

by Jonathan G. Cameron, CFP®

As a Millennial, you are in a unique position to start strong when it comes to your money. Financial planning for millennials looks very different than planning done for Baby Boomers, and requires special attention.

Top 3 Financial Priorities for Millennials

  • How...
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