On Getting Older: Ladies and Gentleman on getting older Oct 27, 2022

Ladies & Gentlemen

As I mentioned earlier, my grandfather was a prominent businessman in the Italian community, with a location downtown New Haven.  My mother worked for him off and on doing the books, and I’d often go in with her and grandpa would find some small task for me to...

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On Getting Older: Environmental Friendliness on getting older Oct 25, 2022

Virtue signaling

Virtue signaling.  What a term.  Having to show the rest of the world how virtuous you are.  Done by putting up appropriate banners at your house, driving one of those teeny tiny Smart Cars, or an electric vehicle, or some such.

I’ve got news for you young...

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On Getting Older: Things I Promise Never to Do on getting older Oct 20, 2022
Things I promise never to do (in no particular order):
  • I’ll never dye my hair or moustache or goatee. Looks ridiculous on a man, IMO.
  • I’ll never wear shoes with Velcro straps.
  • I’ll never wear horizontal stripes. Haven’t since I was about 10. 
  • I’ll never wear...
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On Getting Older: Courtesy Titles on getting older Oct 18, 2022
Mr. Downing, if you please

Picture it:  I’m checking into a hotel after two different flights.  Just taken the shuttle to the hotel.  I know the drill, so I hand my driving license and credit card to the bright young thing behind the counter, who says, Welcome, Glenn!

Am I...

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On Getting Older: Use of the Language on getting older Oct 13, 2022

Frenchy Duffnuts

We had a family friend growing up named Evelyn.  Evelyn was a widow of many years, and a professional travel agent.  Fascinating person.  She’d gather groups of travelers together and take them all on a trip somewhere – usually in Europe.  My...

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On Getting Older: Collections vs. Experiences on getting older Oct 11, 2022
Collections vs. Experiences

This is another topic that arises from my financial planning practice.

It is my generation’s habit to make collections of prized or valued items.  To this day I have my book collection and my music collection.  Mrs. Downing collects Wedgwood Blue Jasper...

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Physical Fitness and Weight Loss at 69 - Part II on getting older Oct 06, 2022

Now for the fitness part. 

This post is # 2 in my fitness journey.  If you haven't read #1, you can find it here:  https://www.cameron-downing.com/blog/physical-fitness-at-68-and-weight-loss-part-i

Watch some older people walk:  they shuffle, or their steps really aren’t...

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Physical Fitness at 69 and Weight Loss, Part I on getting older Oct 04, 2022

At a physical crossroads

At 69 there I can feel my age.  But it is only about the last year or two that I’ve noticed a definite slowing down.  Which begs the question:  What am I going to do about it?  Fight it or accept the inevitable?

As I look around at other men my...

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On Getting Older: Airports and Tattoos on getting older Sep 29, 2022

As many of my readers know, I’ve done a good bit of traveling over the last several years, teaching 4-day Live Review classes to students preparing to take the CFP exam.  The exam is offered in March, July, and November, so the months before that were my busy travel...

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On Getting Older: Job Fulfillment on getting older Sep 27, 2022

Job Fulfillment

Is this ever a relatively new concept. 

I remember in my MBA program, completed in 1984, in the human resources classes, the new way of getting employees to work hard for you was this:  give them work they enjoy doing and actually have aptitude for and see a purpose in...

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On Getting Older: Introduction on getting older Sep 27, 2022


Last September I attended my Guilford, Connecticut high school 50th reunion.  I’ve got to say, it has given me pause.  Was the class of ’72 really now  51 years ago?  Couldn’t be – but it is.  I had a great time, and even my wife...

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The Bull Case for the Stock Market financial planning for attorneys financial planning for entrepreneurs financial planning for retirement financial planning for young professionals Sep 14, 2022

Have we reached a stock market bottom yet? 

"Are you kidding me? After the big price drops we've seen the last few days?"

We get it. Pessimism is popular right now. But here we give you an optimist’s case for the market:

Look at the three major stock market benchmarks – the Dow...

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